For further visual context and detailed information, check out our postings below in order to learn more about VIOLA Threads products.

Viola Threads Double Chin Treatment Tutorial

Viola Threads Undereye Tear Trough Treatment Tutorial

Viola Threads Nasolabial Folds Treatment Tutorial
Gain insight about the Double Chin threading procedure and learn a few important pointers given by Physician and Medical Director, Dr. Gideon Kwok.
Take a look at a Tear Trough threading procedure and learn tips and tricks for a successful treatment, given by Physician and Medical Director, Dr. Gideon Kwok.
Learn and observe how to use PDO Threads in the Nasolabial folds in this treatment tutorial with Physician and Medical Director, Dr. Gideon Kwok.

Viola Threads Nasolabial Folds Treatment Tutorial, featuring Mesh Threads
VIOLA Threads instructor, Yvette Miramontes, PA, leads this treatment tutorial on performing a procedure on the Nasolabial folds area of the face.

Viola Threads Foxy Eyes Treatment Tutorial
Learn valuable tips, pointers, and recommendations for performing a PDO thread procedure to achieve a "foxy eyes" look with Yvette Miramontes, PA.

Viola Threads Mid Face Treatment Tutorial
Using Viola Threads, Yvette Miramontes, PA, performs a mid-face procedure in this informational treatment tutorial video.